Friday, February 29, 2008

Hooking up with an old love of mine

Recently I have had the pleasure of hooking up with an old love of mine. It had been far too long of a time apart and was missed terribly. Now your probably thinking that this is a man. No! A woman? On no! It is my love of reading. It has been years since I have had this feeling about reading. I always used to get this tingly feeling when I opened a book and then it went away. In the years since the feeling went away I read some books and I stockpiled books. In the hope of getting that feeling back. And about a week or two ago the feeling came back. I sat in my reading chair that I got a year ago in anticipation of the feeling returning. So anyway I sat in my chair and picked up the book, opened it and the feeling return. I had to close the book because I was crying with joy. It is back and I am so happy! I am once again finding pleasure in my old love. In fact today I was a bit annoyed because I had things to do and didn't get to read yet. But I will!

I have sat often wondering why it went away. The feeling went away shortly after two terrible things happened in my life. The first was my dear friend Cindy terminal diagnosis of stage 4 breast cancer and my chronic pain condition flaring up. The chronic pain does make it difficult to focus and find a comfortable position but it is doable. And as for Cindy well I spent as much time as I could with her. As we both knew that we didn't have years to spend together. And I am grateful we did that. So between those two things I lost my love for reading. Now it is back and I will take leave of you now. A good read awaits me.

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