Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sad snow

Today the snow made me very sad. Normally I like snow only in small doses. After living in Iceland I have had enough snow to last a lifetime. So today we got like 7 inches give or take a foot. And tonight when it got dark I had some sad realizations. I used to love shoveling snow at night the cold crisp air, the silence of the city, and the stark white against a black sky. I realized I will never be able to do that again. Tonight we paid someone to shovel our walk but my car is still buried and until my kids get here I am trapped. And I hate being trapped and I worry about my Mom. How could I get her to a hospital or whatevr. It made me sad because my neighbor cleaned my car off for me and he usually shovels our walks. I was the one who used to do that. And I watched as neighbors helped each other when they got stuck with their cars. I would of been out helping too. But no more those days are gone. It tough to realize things you used to do you can't do anymore and it's even sadder when you are not that old.

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